Pile like a mountain
Pile like a mountain
Connected to mountains
Connected to mountains

Nostalgic Scenery" 2012

An exhibition of sculptures by Izumi Montgomery @gaffa gallery, Sydney

As human beings, we often undervalue the things we have until we no longer have them. In losing her sense of smell and in relocating from Japan to an unfamiliar Australia, Izumi Montgomery explores the idea of place and identity through the memories and associations particular smells can trigger. Through contrasting materials, distinctive childhood memories of the smell of rain and her grandmother's kimono fabrics become a way in which Izumi reconnects with her past and the home that she has left behind.

Izumi Montgomery は嗅覚を失い、匂いのない世界で生きている。


Izumi Montgomery の鉄を用いた作品「Nostalgic Scenery」は、子どものころにいた、雨上がりの公園の匂いを思い出させ、そして祖母の着物生地の作品「Scent of Memories」は、日本の家の匂いを感じさせてくれるのだ。



I am a Japanese artist based in Sydney.

I started my career making metal and fabrics sculptures, but since having children I got into fabrics. Now I am making my own textile designs:



